Forging Freedom

I started July on an island in Florida, which is one of my versions of paradise on earth. Being on a large body of water is always expansive for me. I am often swimming inside even while on land, ever aware of the flow of energy streaming in motion. It helps me to let go of any internal burdens or blocks, and to just be present. I feel happy and held in harmony with whatever arises.

The 4th interrupted that peace with an accident and injury to a couple of people in our party that required medical intervention. It was a serious situation that required my full attention, but also an opportunity to hold a space of calm and trust in the face of potential trouble.

As always, I was tracking energies and shifts in the dreamtime throughout the experience. While in the hospital, I was clearing dark energies and parasites that are attracted to illness. Once I made it out of the hospital, I was taken through learning exercises to master turbulent waters.

I was in a boat in my dream, navigating stormy seas. I felt the correlation in my boat between fearful thoughts and the capsizing of my boat. As I entertained thoughts of fear, they brought feelings. As I felt the fear, my boat would rock uncontrollably, exacerbating all elements of the situation. I was then reminded that neutrality in thought combined with emotional stability, are what stabilizes the boat in the storm.

As I chose to let go of the fear in all its forms, the boat calmed. I then experienced myself in a steady boat that easily surfed chaotic waves. I understood I was not there to control the surface of the ocean, but to embody the mastery of its overall depths in me. From this position I can hold the strength and position of the ocean, where all disturbances are ultimately resolved once they’ve played out their various purposes for those involved.

We often feel the pressure to “fix things” for others. When we connect to the depths of our ocean, however, there is trust in the energy and appropriateness of all its manifestations and opportunities. We realize also how much energy is wasted when given to situations where we have no power or authority. We are not here to control everything, especially things designed for the empowerment or growth of others. When we step in to fix, we are also implying we don’t acknowledge that person’s capability or sovereignty.

The feminine force of creation allows. She holds all in their truth and higher potential. She loves them as such, knows them as such, and holds them accountable as such, not in judgement or blame, but in compassion and love. This force exists in all and is being restored to its proper balance and station on earth. As she rises and heals to unify with an upgraded masculine force, true autonomy and freedom will reign.

In this time on earth, we are being called to remember our origin and position in the ocean of consciousness. As emissaries of what is deep and true, we are being guided to right our boats in any superficial stormy weather. What is real is undisturbed. What is truth cannot be destroyed by lies or hate. What is shaky will only be righted by love, which is the truth that surpasses all in scope and time.

July continues to shake things up in divisiveness and fear. As the frequency of existence on earth rises, it will unveil and unlock illusions. It will reveal false identities and expose underlying truths and intentions. This is occurring inside us, mirrored outside us in response to our energy signature. Some will identify with the “pot calling the kettle black,” based on their inherited predispositions as a pot. Others will take the position of the kettle in the same fashion, failing to see the similarities and resonance shared between the two.

The intense blame and fear mongering is a distraction. It is also often met and matched by both sides in a game long played that has disempowered and subjugated humanity inside. As the intensity and transparency increases, we are given the keys to unlock our prisons. Will we see the narratives and organizations for what they are? Will we see the fruits of their labors? Will we continue to entertain and entrain ourselves to paradigms of fear and doom, or will we recognize our power as creators and forge new possibilities?

We must first realize our power to choose. Our power lies in responding in new ways to old problems. We can respond to hate with love, ignorance with compassion, and fear with freedom. Many of us chose to demonstrate personal freedom in a time of panic, prejudice, and mandates. Many of us don’t need an apology for the past, or permission to live free.

Freedom is an inside job, forged in every thought, choice, action, and attitude. Seek the places inside where you are willing to compromise that in the face of fear and recognize the game that is played. It is an underlying current in everything and easily addressed externally once you meet and face it in yourself honestly.

The lower fear realms block us from our light. They entangle our focus and energy in darker dense realities that stagnate or obscure our higher perception faculties. They hook us into lower frequency pain and emotional constructs. Fear denies our magic. Fear creates confusion and doubt in our ability to trust the higher forces always at work.

We are all connected to fear. It is part of humanity’s evolutionary experience on earth. True freedom comes from addressing our fear inside, and becoming aware of the way it influences us, often from a subconscious level. We can give it many reasons, justifications, characteristics, and assignations, but at its core it’s the same, and as a frequency it can be dispelled and absorbed by its higher expressions of love. When we hear things like, “love conquers all fear,” it is expressing an energetic and etheric truth, not just a philosophical or moral concept.

How do you respond to fear? Are you an emissary and embodiment of fear or love? We are being brought to our depths personally and collectively during this phase of creation.

These times are not for the faint of heart.

Are you willing to compromise your heart for fear? To justify murdering or harming others in fear and judgement? Understand that nothing is apart from you. What you seek for and send to others, you will call upon and resonate with yourself. Gods worshipped and sought for vengeance, reigned over those embroiled in unending conflict and retribution. A boat set on violence and punishment will not attract or settle on peaceful waters.

Some here are still set on experiencing power plays and war. This is nothing new. Each will determine their investment and engagement with systems and narratives that are in desperation and decline. There is energy being transmuted for all in the process. We are living in times of karmic resolution for the ascension of the planet into a higher frequency bandwidth of creation. All unprocessed dense energy will be shifted and lifted into the higher for a new earth experience. This is in tandem with universal changes and cycles, nothing is separate.

Collectively we will evolve beyond the limitation and exploration of duality, with its seemingly opposite poles and contradictions that encourage conflict and suffering when plagued with misunderstanding and fear. We are addressing the residue of many cataclysmic and catastrophic events inside, and being given the opportunities and ingredients to alchemize changes in the way we move forward “outside.”  There is great purpose and meaning discernible in everything encountered for those that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.

You are responsible for what is being called up in you.

What are your fears?

What are your challenges?

Where are you participating in prejudice, hate, hurt, or harm? Where are you limiting yourself in narratives of low self-worth or victimization? These are not questions to induce blame, they are opportunities for liberation.

We are solely responsible for our choices and creations. We are growing through our direct experiences and responses. If we are living according to another’s script or mindset, we are holding ourselves back. We know our truth. It speaks to us and through us. We are connected to the source of life, here to fulfill our own unique expression and exploration of love. We must set aside external fears and distractions to know our own light and purpose.

We are coming home to ourselves. We are learning to stabilize our vessels with the deep ocean of creation. What we commit to in love, create with love, and share with love is an expression of God. We are not asked to conform or perform some ritual to become worthy, we need only live authentically from our spirit.

Our spirit is not in conflict with another’s spirit. Our spirit recognizes its existence and likeness in all things. We fracture ourselves from our spirit when we harm ourselves or another.

Humanity is evolving to experience its unity with all life. It is being purged of all its distortions and delusions. We all have a personal journey and process to honor. Our hearts are opening to guide us home. All will return to love in due time.

Love is the substance of dreams, seams, and stars. Love holds us together while our minds seek to tear us apart. Love is responsive, intelligent, and restorative. Love only needs an invitation and opening to transform the most seemingly hopeless situations. I shared my personal journey on the path of love and how it transformed my life in my book TRUE LOVE NOT LIKE IN THE MOVIES. It is the truth I lived that helped test and forge the mettle in me. It is how I have come to stand firmly in the face of deceptions and perversions of what I know to be real, personally and globally.

As our circumstances continue to change and our opinions clash on earth, remember your love. Be willing to surrender the pettiness, worries, and conflicts to love. Seek the spaces where all come together. Trust love’s design and depths to see all things through. Know the truth from your heart and  seek the wisdom of your direct experiences. I travel all over the country and meet the kindest and most sincere people all along the way. It’s time to invest and build on what is still inherently good.

Be willing to be a demonstration of LOVE’s goodness. Ingratiate yourself to love and let love carry you through.


Trust you will always have what you need to face your trials. They are crafted and aligned by the higher parts of you.

We are never alone. We are never left without an opening to our higher guiding light. We are continuously calibrating to the transformative energies at hand. As I follow my guidance, I continue to unlock aspects of myself in higher realms.

Trust your feelings. Your body knows when you are in the presence of lies. Your gut knows when a person, path, or story is not for you. They don’t have to be wrong and an enemy, because they aren’t for you. Let your truth be yours. Honor and live it; that is enough.

When we learn how to meet and love the darkest and hardest parts of ourselves, we are better able to be present with them in others without rocking or wrecking our boat. We can then heal and attract new situations from a higher vantage point. We can forgive and love others, even when they seek to harm. We are more aware of the mechanics of the situation and are better able to extricate ourselves from it easily.

Fear is an energy seeking a host. It knows our weaknesses. It goes to the places we believe ourselves to be small and powerless. It lives in our excuses, doubts, traumas, and stories. It is marketed and sold to us daily to capture our allegiance. It can be challenged. It can be cast off. It can be fully embraced and accepted, and then traded in for truth.

It can be introduced to love and made whole. Fear is only part of a story, a perspective, or a possibility, and it is usually misguided. Your heart always knows what is true for you, and what your role is in a situation.

May your heart be filled with love to overcome all fear. May it bless and guide you for the days ahead…💜



















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