The Eve of Innocence

August has remained hot in both temperature and temperament.

Fire destroys.

Fire purifies.

Fire ignites.

We are taught to fear intensity and destruction, but both are agents of creation in eternity’s game. Up on the chopping block are old beliefs, narratives, stereotypes, illusions, faulty foundations, and restrictive limitations. This occurs within and without; the world is a mirror reflection and manifestation of the energy we are running and supporting. Those caught up in victimization and blame, are only reinforcing their own prisons of manipulation, shame, and same.

As explosive as things can happen and change on a dime, there is also the void and detachment experienced in what I call the ‘in-between times.” Such is the way of expansion, contraction, and integration.

As I released and transformed toxic and abusive energies of the feminine in the last few months, I was then brought to reclaim my true feminine power.

This surfaced as usual in the dreamtime. I was chosen along with a few other women to pair with dragons. I watched the other women one by one match and connect with their dragon, some resulting in injury. The last woman before me fell from a great height and crashed on the ground next to me. I ran. I was apprehensive at first, but I was terrified as it became real. I went to pick up my children and fled, only to find myself at the edge of a cliff face to face with a giant, magnificent, and black iridescent queen. The dragon hovered in flight before me and I saw myself in her, along with the offer being made to me.

I woke in a state of excitement and revelation. I had connected to a white dragon energy in me before, easily recognizing its benevolence and goodwill toward me. Trauma and sorrow had separated us for a time, but when that was reconciled, the white became an overarching guardian and higher self always present. This darker dragon encounter was unexpected. As I connected to her, she was unmasking the fear I held of my power, specifically my feminine power.

I have done the work to repair the distortions and disgraces I carried forth for some time. Will I embody HER restored fullness and faith? Will I create and respond accordingly? Will I forgive all trespasses, and demonstrate the power of divine presence, acceptance, and unconditional love?

To myself I said YES.

To my universe I decreed it is so.

I was blessed to have my husband home for this occasion. With him I then experienced a new level of openness in expression and depth. Through him I was shown where I was still uncomfortable with simple moments of vulnerability.

Where I still hid or avoided eye contact as a default.

Where I struggled to receive a compliment.

Where I still didn’t believe I was worthy.

But this time I listened. I held myself open, reverted my eyes, learned to simply say thank you, and allowed myself to FEEL it.

I stumbled a little but was held accountable lovingly and patiently by myself and him. This small gesture ended up being a profound shift for me. I realized how much I often avoided being seen or accepted being loved.

When I went back into the astral realm that night, I encountered a thawed-out freezer in my house, with a black iridescent snake nesting on dozens of black iridescent eggs. They looked like hematite.  Next to them was a mallard duck. I instantly panicked and slammed the top of the freezer back down. My mind was racing with fear for the duck. I felt the fear but decided I needed to open it to explore it more, and lifted the lid as I woke.

As I rose, so much feeling came through. I perceived fears and beliefs that said being an empowered woman, means I need to sacrifice my vulnerability. There were thoughts that said innocence and naivete were something you had to trade in or let go of to “grow up.” There were fears of success, and judgments about sexual power being punitive, shameful, or dangerous. There were many statements and scripts revealing themselves for clearing. I realized I had opened a space that not only helped me release restrictions, but it contained treasures. There were eggs that were waiting to be birthed. New experiences of intimacy and relation available for me. It wasn’t my vulnerability that was being sacrificed. The duck was safe and sound. It was the false stories and beliefs that I held about myself and others, long accumulated from ancestry and history that kept me closed off in protection and limitation.

Our time here is ultimately a love story with our self. We will receive challenges and messages through others, but if we focus on our energy, our reaction, our emotion, and our response as the culprits of its creation, we are working with the ingredients of transformation and mastery of our experiences here.

Humanity is healing and restoring its proper relationship and usage of power. We are seeing in our collective the imbalances that create illusions and misuses that enslave masses. As we process long suppressed emotions and fear, we will arrive at a more neutralized clarity.

Each receives according to their own karmic and cosmic responsibility. There are many stories dying and seeking energetic survival. What resonates with your spirit?

Stories have enemies, scapegoats, smoke, and mirrors. Spirit has efficacy in eternity.

Extreme religion shames and guilts compliance in others based on a doctrine of inescapable judgment and sin. Hierarchies accrue wealth while convincing you the rich doesn’t get into heaven. Extreme Progressiveness also deals in hypocritical intolerance and shaming. Billionaires convince you to need less, shaming you for killing the planet they pollute. They will sell you the remedy in science that the churches sold in indulgences.

Beware of seeking a savior sold to you by those censoring and perverting the truth.

“Believing all the lies that they’re telling ya

Buying all the products that they’re selling ya

They say jump and you say how high

You brain dead?

You got a fuckin bullet in your head?

Just victims of the in-house drive-by

They say jump you say how high” ….. Rage Against the Machine

There are truths in ancient history and texts, but we fight over the minutia and details while ignoring the fruit that their systems bear. Assume everything you are being sold is at best a partial truth, at most often a lie. What is your direct observation? What does your gut and heart tell you? Where can you take your power back and focus your energy and efforts on things that are beneficial to your life and that of others?

A group or party’s platform should not rest on the hatred and vilification of another person or people. Hate is hate regardless of where it comes from and where it is aimed. We are in the age of accountability, where there is transparency and quicker returns on what we put out. Choose your energetic entanglements wisely.

We are here to take our power back from these illusions and institutions to recognize our ability as creators and contributors to all life. Unplug from the show and show up for what is real in your life. Progressive oppression is not the answer to healing a history of religious or regal persecution. Follow the money trail, and see that the majority is still left fighting each other with empty hands.

Save yourself.

Love yourself.

Believe in yourself and your worthiness, regardless of what shape you are born in. The remedy is inside; learning to love  and own ALL of you and your unique expression without needing to modify or sterilize your potency.

You don’t need to be fixed by anyone outside you. Love yourself as is, not because of what group you are in, what you look like, or what you believe. You are the only one that needs to feel it and recognize your value, to authenticate and live a life you no longer want to escape or control.

We are shifting our own toxic masculine and feminine aspects and patterns. We are owning our emotions, our behaviors, our choices, and our outcomes. Seeking to control and manipulate others or our environment is rooted in fear, defense, and survival. We don’t need to take from others to do well. We don’t need others to be less successful for us to succeed.

Look at the stories and framework you are running in your reality. Your beliefs, your choices, your connections, and your commitments are creating and sustaining your perceptions and results. How much energy are you giving to a person or party you hate? How much are you disempowering yourself by making another responsible for what you have or don’t have? How much are you committed and working on your mastery? Your focus? Your wellness?

How in tune are you with your body and what it is telling you about what you are investing in, in your time, health, relationships, and information? If you are numbing out or accepting another’s worldview or version of truth, you will secure your position with another’s fate.

Love is ALL of it. It will outlast the smaller conflicts and conquests. Consider positioning yourself in what outlines and outlasts temporal creation.

I comforted two mothers that lost their children this month. As our hearts were forced open in the passing, none of the former differences, distortions, mistakes, or misunderstandings mattered. All is reconciled in love’s final testament.

Where can we remember LOVE as our nature and focus on our higher calling? Humanity is entering the eve of its innocence restored, where all held against love is seen and returned in an act of wholeness not annihilation. All is sacred. All is valued and made right in love. Where can love awaken in more hearts? Where can it be demonstrated in more circumstances? Where can it find an expression through you? In your home? In your culture or community? In your work? In your part of the country and world?

As more commit to LOVE fully regardless of distractions and detractions, it grows as a palpable solution and expression here. It surpasses labels and appearances. It has a place in many expressions and stories. It brings remembrance and unity to things long exiled.

Love is patient and kind. Love already holds the outcome it seeks to create so it allows all in the way to pass. Humanity is building a new foundation that is secured as each assumes their part and power.  Most will choose differently and respond kindly as they feel safe to do so. Let’s be the reason someone feels safe and inspired. 🦋

May we take heart more in what unites us at this time. 🦅💞✌️




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