Intentional Living

November was a month that expanded my foundation of faith into a fortress of fortitude.

So many epiphanies and perspectives of what I had been building for a long time, lifetimes even. We get these glimpses after we process a lot of stored and suppressed energy held in our bodies. Things that historically caused reaction or pain become distant and insignificant without electrical or emotional charge.

I experienced myself beyond any sense of closure; I was in a new landscape entirely. There was so much space inside after experiencing periods of heaviness move. The past is gone if we allow it to be.

Collective stories, judgements, and opinions often serve to incite and divide. They can be informational, but ask yourself, do they enrich or distract you? Much of our news and entertainment are designed to create fear and allegiance to some narrative, while very few encourage self-autonomy and intuitive counsel.

Divine Love recognizes and affords your inherent freedom of will. You are given according to your intentions, efforts, and energetic signature. What you choose and employ in your life shapes its parameters of possibility. This is true for all thoughts and beliefs, though we seldom think of them as optional. We have identified with the ones most normalized and conditioned for so long. We replay loops and patterns of experience in comfort and entrapment. All of this is changing on Earth in accordance with a universal ascension cycle. So many old fears, traumas, and beliefs are coming up for resolution in a higher awareness of unity consciousness. Science is verifying ancient wisdom and illuminating historical error and deception ongoing. There is no separation between spirit and matter, but more of a relationship and affinity between lovers or progeny.

The age of transparency is unfolding, but not all information is pertinent to our purpose or role here. Our greatest power and gifts come from embodying our luminary authenticity. Our energy is a beacon to all experiences appropriate and aligned for our journey. As we grow in understanding, we come to appreciate the service in maintaining a position of unconditional love and neutrality, while discerning and choosing the energies with which we are guided to move forward. The new earth templates are held and maintained by those willing to embody the higher frequencies that are organically dissolving the surges of emotional reactivity, anger, shock, and stress stirred up in these times. Divine Love absorbs and overrides any lower distortions and delusions naturally.

Because we perceive a limited awareness and experience of consciousness while in a physical body, we are often ignorant of the many energies and patterns influencing us until we directly encounter or confront them. Many of our challenges are simply opportunities to go beyond them. Question everything you think you know up until this point and explore yourself and your truth discernment system. Your body is your technology and instrument in this realm. It is not designed to follow the directives of others, although it may be crafted by inherited conditions and parameters. This is our time on earth to take position at the helm of our vehicles and help restore its settings back to its divine operating system.

We are being helped in this process and need only open to the forces of Love guiding us inside and out. This is not a process controlled by the lower mind. We are embodying more of our light which is naturally intelligent and self-organizing; the mind’s hard control must be overcome and surrendered to the energy of our Higher Self. We exist in the higher realms and will continue to awaken and strengthen our connections to these aspects.

This is often experienced in our dreamtime. We connect to our unlimited nature there, undergoing clearings, healings, and activations often. This realm is expressed in feelings and symbols, which are largely dismissed by the attitudes of the logical mainstream culture. If you want to better understand yourself and the unconscious content influencing you, explore your dreams. Ask for more dream recall if that’s an issue, ask for guidance, and begin journaling them upon waking. You will deepen your awareness and connection to your multidimensional nature.

I have been purging so many old beliefs and fears in my dreams from past experiences and lives. My recognition of them in my waking mind, helps me release them from my physical experience in choosing new behaviors and investments moving forward. Our best security moving forward, is the stability we are anchoring in ourselves. We are shifting out of living in reaction to external events we perceive beyond our control, to living intentionally in recognition of our power and contribution to the unified whole. Do you know the energies you are influenced by and invested in? Are they in alignment with the Earth you want to inhabit? Everything is in fluctuation and recalibration. What are you really committing yourself to in this next chapter?

These past two months for me, have been about holding my highest vision and vibration in the face of chaos, changes, and oppositions presenting themselves in the collective field. Detachment is a higher operating principle in creation. If we wish to hold PEACE as a new Earth outcome, then we must embody it in the face of all stories, opinions, upheavals, and conflicts surfacing that appear contrary. Peace doesn’t fight or force an agenda. Peace is a pervasive and inherent aspect of consciousness, unfazed by illusions in misunderstanding or ignorance. Peace knows all stories of limitation ultimately come to rest in its Truth. As the Earth’s frequency rises to reflect and express Peace in physicality, old contradictions, restrictions, and misperceptions come to a natural conclusion. This is playing out individually and collectively with each in a timing and configuration serving the higher process perfectly. Connect to the Love inside you to serve your authentic role in its implementation and feel yourself supported by the higher design and orchestration underway.

We are taking our power back from unconscious and imposed dependency. We have been propping up belief structures and authority systems to our detriment. We can only know our worth and our nature as Love by going there inside ourselves. If we continue to ascribe to our worthlessness and sinfulness, we are assuring our time in the lower realms of experience. Face it, feel it, and be willing to let the past go.

Be willing to be a visionary of Love and Unity for the Earth’s future. This commitment brings about changes that exceed any previous imaginings and expectations. Let your mind be blown. Let it be flexible and surrendered to the wisdom of the heart. Know thyself as your platform and foundation of success in these times. The collective stories, versions, opinions, and reactions from these purge cycles will be wildin! 🥸 Live to express your authentic truth without needing to push or validate it externally. That’s enough.

Nothing is being reinstated from our historical past, rather, these times are clearing the decks in all the ways we are holding to it. Trust it’s time to go deeper into the truth of who we are beyond these confines. Trust in your goodness, and feed and feel it as much as you can. We create with feeling more than with hard mental control.

The lights are being turned back on in the darkest of places inside yourself and the Earth. You came here for this time, not as a reckoning, but as a remembering and call to reinstate the sacred. We are sacred and never apart from the divine. It is ok to not know how this goes. Faith is a virtue and building block for the best that’s yet to come.

My guidance lately has been more about about creation, and the importance of continually weeding the garden of my creative field to hold space for ongoing expansion. There is no room for doubt when we are holding a foundation together. Full focus and energetic investment must go to the new, to strengthen it in the storms of past energies surfacing in the throes of death. We must believe whole heartedly in our worth and deservedness to receive and be a match to the circumstances and qualities we want to experience. Distractions must go, or they weaken and slow the result. It’s a process, with each step unlocking more in the way of achievement. The more I am attached to a particular idea or detail, the less smooth of a process I experience.

We can pick up and discard thoughts and experiences in a much looser and lighter way; judgments and opinions about ourselves and our “mistakes” are barriers to the creational process. I find the fluidity of life more accessible when I am less tethered to any outcome, and more open to what’s possible in quality and feeling. When we send an intention out, our energy is naturally connecting to and accomplishing things that our conscious mind doesn’t perceive. Our attempts to analyze, question, or control how it occurs are often what’s in the way. Our absolute faith in receiving what is best for us is a far more powerful supporting ingredient.

If we attach to a specific item or thing, we will often attach more to the wanting of it, than the energy of its attainment. We energize the feeling of wanting, instead of having. Even if we can accomplish getting this “thing” we are then often disappointed when it does not fulfill our expectations in feeling or meaning. Things in and of themselves are empty without aligned value to us. Know yourself more, and you will know the purpose and value underlying your desires. You can then align to the true sentiment and attract the circumstances, relationships, and events that match. In this way you are having more enriched and connected experiences that meet your deeper needs.

The physical realm is rich in sensuality and experience. It is what we are here to explore in creation. My prayer ceremony for the holidays really brought that division through to be healed. We have many old foundations of belief that demonized the physical and portrayed it at odds with the spiritual. In truth, matter is the manifestation of the spiritual… There is no separation. If you want a different circumstance or result, shift the creative energy underlying it and act in accordance with the energy you seek.

We are being reminded of our origin in spirit now. We are being asked to take the mantle in a more conscious and conscientious way. We are seeing the longstanding results and abuses that occur in ignorance and lack. Trust what is on the other side of this expansion. Love is unlimited in scope and abundance. We are moving internal barriers and parameters to encompass more of who we are in creative possibility.

In prayer I saw a vast cracking open of the heart area. In those that are not willfully open, it is often through loss that this occurs for the soul light to enter. My altar preparation channeled surrender through physical loss next to surrender through love, in the form of a feminine softening to life’s sweetness. There is so much joy and life in the simplest things around us. We often miss it until we are brought to a new awareness. Loss or Love, what will you choose?.

There are galactic energies and beings supporting the Earth at this time. I was delighted to see them as part of mainstream conversations in consideration of the mysteries adorning the skies this holiday season. Open to the possibilities in love instead of fear. We are tasked with overcoming these barriers of fear to create foundations with better guiding principles. We can acknowledge fear and hurt and still be love. We can find affinity with all life forms, despite surface or dimensional differences. We accelerate our growth as we support each other. Fear constricts and contracts, further isolating or discouraging those we may think need to shift the most. Compassion, freedom, space, love, and patience work wonders when applied with a light touch and a sincere heartfelt prayer. I keep hearing “STAY IN YOUR LANE” when I start worrying or wanting to know things not relevant to my purpose. Energy consciousness and management is the currency for this transition.

Stay open in loving surrender to life’s sweetness! Ask to experience more love in the world and look for it in every encounter. A grand reset and rewiring are here. I wish you and your family the happiest and holiest of the holiday season! We are bridging the magic into the mundane. Every moment is a spiritual experience and gift!

Happy Everything 2025🌹🌞




















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