Discerning Duality
January proceeded with episodes of destruction and celebration. A terrorist attack ravaged New Orleans at its start, but then the city saw record snowfall and super bowl festivity that brought out a childlike joy and revelry for many.
One side of the country was affected by a major water event, while the other was decimated by an uncontrollable fire. These extremes have been playing out in humanity too. Surges in emotional reactivity and polarizing perspectives/opinions saturate media and overwhelm much of the populace. Everyday there is a new mainstream revelation that is spun in very different fashions depending on the media outlet.
In the Age of Transparency, this overload of information and interpretation has great purpose. We are here to discover our authentic voice and heed our inner light. As the noise gets louder externally, and the manipulations more obvious, more are waking up and willing to follow their own course and counsel. We each have a soul-inspired purpose with spiritual guidance. If we are too externally focused, we often can’t hear or feel it. When it is time, we undergo changes that encourage and facilitate our inner focus.
Humanity is rapidly changing. Experiences of great turmoil can and do serve the light ultimately, even when they are orchestrated by those with negative intent. Reality is relative, and what one experiences as “bad” is often another’s perceived “high road.” Our history is filled with cultures forging through progress at the expense of another’s; we will learn to consider BOTH perspectives in our evolution out of a limiting and divisive duality.
Compassion is a burning ember of devotion that is willing to go beyond comfort and similarity. Fear is truly the only culprit in the way of transcendence. Those willing to bring themselves to the roots of their fear inside, instead of projecting it continuously outward, move beyond the chains of culture and conformity.
In one of my recent prayer ceremonies, I was shown the power of projection in this realm, and watched the earth shake off dense layers of ancestral and historical residue. There is energy and weight in everything we say, think, assume, intend, and assert about things. We are creators, creating and engaging with, not over other life forms. Even if we have “good” intentions, when we victimize or villainize another, we are creating power imbalances, attachments, or heavy entanglements. This often causes us suffering and can have a rebounding effect from any negativity we send.
Fear contracts. When we allow ourselves to be managed by fear, we are closing ourselves off from seeing beyond our parameters of perception. We all have limitations and perspectives, and we don’t like to think of truth lying beyond them. We have been encouraged to find comfort in the familiar, monotony, routine, institutions, authorities, gossip, and sets of organized belief. This has dulled our intuitive senses and called us to question our own eyes in the contrast of public opinion. The Age of Transparency is setting fire to old parameters and parasites. What is falling apart is not meant to stand; what transpires will call forth the agency and sovereignty of every person.
How you proceed matters mostly to you; you are solely responsible for your life and creations. You are not responsible for the actions of others in another time or space. Guilt and shame are currency in a system of enslavement. You are responsible, however, for the energy you give to the earth and others in all your projections. We are continuously being shown where energy has been manipulated and misspent. We have choice in every moment in our energy’s direction and investment. What will we choose next?
Most people that I know, are not choosing an extreme right or left, red or blue. Most are feeling pressured to hate, be angry, see doom, fear difference, feel bad, etc… Every moment begs, is this really the reality we want to maintain or co-create?
It is possible to withdraw our emotional investments in polarizing conflicts on both sides and choose the higher love that exists within all sides. We can see and accept truth, despite our feelings about the messengers or circumstances that bring it to the surface. Divisiveness creates traps in consciousness, keeping its prisoners emotionally feeding and bound to the prison. There is a bigger game being played on earth, and our expansion and liberation are well underway.
We are all flawed beings here growing through an evolutionary leap in consciousness foretold by many ancient cultures. If we are trying to name or blame a “savior” or “devil,” we are missing the larger opportunity for ourselves and our species at hand. Be grateful for the souls playing the biggest roles right now on all sides that lead to change. They are serving a paradigm shift without the safety net of watching from the sidelines. Take stock of what they bring out in you because that is YOUR responsibility. We will not enter a time of collective peace through a gate of righteous designer hate.
As the earth’s frequency and sovereignty continue to rise, many are choosing to birth new potential in the space beyond a dying duality. The ultimate truth is higher and where the two are one.
Commit to embodying unity, and you can see the necessity in what is unfolding. We are all being brought to triumph through our unconscious and repressed darkness. Clarity comes after processing intense, suppressed emotional stagnancy and reactivity. Feeling and processing old experiences are part of the transformation, but they do not have to be dependent on or directed at another. Healing and empowerment are inside jobs, where one’s strength can transmute old energy without pomp, pageantry, or outside validation.
I was guided recently to get back to a daily gratitude and grounding ritual. Acts of regular devotion help reinforce and imprint what we want to be or see in our world. Our commitments and habits become second nature, even in the face of their seeming opposition.
Humanity is growing in waves and phases, simultaneously in each member according to their own unique timing and process. As we approach a new cycle, we are encouraged to be honest about what we are planting in our garden of creation. Are we discriminating or discerning in what we sow, feed, and water? Are we actively cleaning out things that we pick up along the way that are not conducive to its integrity or success?
Internet platforms are good demonstrations of how consciousness works, because we get a return in likeness on what we choose and entertain most in our attention and time. Our personal life experiences and reactions are showing us our creational algorithm. Hateful thoughts, punitive ideations, negative opinions, and irrelevant narratives of others are often corrosive to our own tender seedlings.
We must be willing to address what is present inside us, making room for expansive experiences that are unhindered by the ghosts of our past. Our position of power lies exclusively in the present, even in healing or reframing old experiences.
Our progress naturally adds to the progress of all, without trying to convince or force anything on anyone. Many won’t be able to hear or understand information past their parameters of perception until they have experienced and overcome their own shadows, blocks, and struggles. If fear is present, most won’t get past their ingrained survival and defense mechanisms. No amount of yelling or shaming changes things for the better; if we want someone to listen and open to something new, we must create an atmosphere of safety and acceptance.
We are not going backwards. We are not doomed to fulfill a dystopian prophecy. We will often fear or feel these things when we are purging old feelings, suppressed traumas, or inherited ancestral patterns. Explore, own, feel, and process the pain. The wisdom and higher perception point follows that cycle and can prevent us from projecting it outward.
FREEDOM lies beyond the pattern of PERPETRATOR/VICTIM/SAVIOR. Humanity will begin to recognize its UNITY as tribal conflicts are healed and surrendered in ongoing phases. Why not be the reason someone sees and recognizes a spiritual kinship in you? BELIEF is a spiritual foundation, but BEING is its implementation moving forward.
A new karmic cycle is here and starting off with a bang. It isn’t wise to repeat what wasn’t working if we want to experience something new. Discern where duality is disrupting your peace and integrity and know that you can move beyond. Your energy is a precious and powerful resource, capable of creating and sustaining wonder in the world. Our love is being redirected to birth solutions yet unseen.
Everything is in transition, but we are designed to innovate in the face of the unknown. Know thyself, and you will know your destined path unfolding. Let yourself step into new roles or paths presenting themselves that speak to your soul, even if they confuse or dismay those around you. Freedom is a force that cannot be contained once unleashed in its purest form. 🦋
Intentional Living
November was a month that expanded my foundation of faith into a fortress of fortitude.
So many epiphanies and perspectives of what I had been building for a long time, lifetimes even. We get these glimpses after we process a lot of stored and suppressed energy held in our bodies. Things that historically caused reaction or pain become distant and insignificant without electrical or emotional charge.
I experienced myself beyond any sense of closure; I was in a new landscape entirely. There was so much space inside after experiencing periods of heaviness move. The past is gone if we allow it to be.
Collective stories, judgements, and opinions often serve to incite and divide. They can be informational, but ask yourself, do they enrich or distract you? Much of our news and entertainment are designed to create fear and allegiance to some narrative, while very few encourage self-autonomy and intuitive counsel.
Divine Love recognizes and affords your inherent freedom of will. You are given according to your intentions, efforts, and energetic signature. What you choose and employ in your life shapes its parameters of possibility. This is true for all thoughts and beliefs, though we seldom think of them as optional. We have identified with the ones most normalized and conditioned for so long. We replay loops and patterns of experience in comfort and entrapment. All of this is changing on Earth in accordance with a universal ascension cycle. So many old fears, traumas, and beliefs are coming up for resolution in a higher awareness of unity consciousness. Science is verifying ancient wisdom and illuminating historical error and deception ongoing. There is no separation between spirit and matter, but more of a relationship and affinity between lovers or progeny.
The age of transparency is unfolding, but not all information is pertinent to our purpose or role here. Our greatest power and gifts come from embodying our luminary authenticity. Our energy is a beacon to all experiences appropriate and aligned for our journey. As we grow in understanding, we come to appreciate the service in maintaining a position of unconditional love and neutrality, while discerning and choosing the energies with which we are guided to move forward. The new earth templates are held and maintained by those willing to embody the higher frequencies that are organically dissolving the surges of emotional reactivity, anger, shock, and stress stirred up in these times. Divine Love absorbs and overrides any lower distortions and delusions naturally.
Because we perceive a limited awareness and experience of consciousness while in a physical body, we are often ignorant of the many energies and patterns influencing us until we directly encounter or confront them. Many of our challenges are simply opportunities to go beyond them. Question everything you think you know up until this point and explore yourself and your truth discernment system. Your body is your technology and instrument in this realm. It is not designed to follow the directives of others, although it may be crafted by inherited conditions and parameters. This is our time on earth to take position at the helm of our vehicles and help restore its settings back to its divine operating system.
We are being helped in this process and need only open to the forces of Love guiding us inside and out. This is not a process controlled by the lower mind. We are embodying more of our light which is naturally intelligent and self-organizing; the mind’s hard control must be overcome and surrendered to the energy of our Higher Self. We exist in the higher realms and will continue to awaken and strengthen our connections to these aspects.
This is often experienced in our dreamtime. We connect to our unlimited nature there, undergoing clearings, healings, and activations often. This realm is expressed in feelings and symbols, which are largely dismissed by the attitudes of the logical mainstream culture. If you want to better understand yourself and the unconscious content influencing you, explore your dreams. Ask for more dream recall if that’s an issue, ask for guidance, and begin journaling them upon waking. You will deepen your awareness and connection to your multidimensional nature.
I have been purging so many old beliefs and fears in my dreams from past experiences and lives. My recognition of them in my waking mind, helps me release them from my physical experience in choosing new behaviors and investments moving forward. Our best security moving forward, is the stability we are anchoring in ourselves. We are shifting out of living in reaction to external events we perceive beyond our control, to living intentionally in recognition of our power and contribution to the unified whole. Do you know the energies you are influenced by and invested in? Are they in alignment with the Earth you want to inhabit? Everything is in fluctuation and recalibration. What are you really committing yourself to in this next chapter?
These past two months for me, have been about holding my highest vision and vibration in the face of chaos, changes, and oppositions presenting themselves in the collective field. Detachment is a higher operating principle in creation. If we wish to hold PEACE as a new Earth outcome, then we must embody it in the face of all stories, opinions, upheavals, and conflicts surfacing that appear contrary. Peace doesn’t fight or force an agenda. Peace is a pervasive and inherent aspect of consciousness, unfazed by illusions in misunderstanding or ignorance. Peace knows all stories of limitation ultimately come to rest in its Truth. As the Earth’s frequency rises to reflect and express Peace in physicality, old contradictions, restrictions, and misperceptions come to a natural conclusion. This is playing out individually and collectively with each in a timing and configuration serving the higher process perfectly. Connect to the Love inside you to serve your authentic role in its implementation and feel yourself supported by the higher design and orchestration underway.
We are taking our power back from unconscious and imposed dependency. We have been propping up belief structures and authority systems to our detriment. We can only know our worth and our nature as Love by going there inside ourselves. If we continue to ascribe to our worthlessness and sinfulness, we are assuring our time in the lower realms of experience. Face it, feel it, and be willing to let the past go.
Be willing to be a visionary of Love and Unity for the Earth’s future. This commitment brings about changes that exceed any previous imaginings and expectations. Let your mind be blown. Let it be flexible and surrendered to the wisdom of the heart. Know thyself as your platform and foundation of success in these times. The collective stories, versions, opinions, and reactions from these purge cycles will be wildin! 🥸 Live to express your authentic truth without needing to push or validate it externally. That’s enough.
Nothing is being reinstated from our historical past, rather, these times are clearing the decks in all the ways we are holding to it. Trust it’s time to go deeper into the truth of who we are beyond these confines. Trust in your goodness, and feed and feel it as much as you can. We create with feeling more than with hard mental control.
The lights are being turned back on in the darkest of places inside yourself and the Earth. You came here for this time, not as a reckoning, but as a remembering and call to reinstate the sacred. We are sacred and never apart from the divine. It is ok to not know how this goes. Faith is a virtue and building block for the best that’s yet to come.
My guidance lately has been more about about creation, and the importance of continually weeding the garden of my creative field to hold space for ongoing expansion. There is no room for doubt when we are holding a foundation together. Full focus and energetic investment must go to the new, to strengthen it in the storms of past energies surfacing in the throes of death. We must believe whole heartedly in our worth and deservedness to receive and be a match to the circumstances and qualities we want to experience. Distractions must go, or they weaken and slow the result. It’s a process, with each step unlocking more in the way of achievement. The more I am attached to a particular idea or detail, the less smooth of a process I experience.
We can pick up and discard thoughts and experiences in a much looser and lighter way; judgments and opinions about ourselves and our “mistakes” are barriers to the creational process. I find the fluidity of life more accessible when I am less tethered to any outcome, and more open to what’s possible in quality and feeling. When we send an intention out, our energy is naturally connecting to and accomplishing things that our conscious mind doesn’t perceive. Our attempts to analyze, question, or control how it occurs are often what’s in the way. Our absolute faith in receiving what is best for us is a far more powerful supporting ingredient.
If we attach to a specific item or thing, we will often attach more to the wanting of it, than the energy of its attainment. We energize the feeling of wanting, instead of having. Even if we can accomplish getting this “thing” we are then often disappointed when it does not fulfill our expectations in feeling or meaning. Things in and of themselves are empty without aligned value to us. Know yourself more, and you will know the purpose and value underlying your desires. You can then align to the true sentiment and attract the circumstances, relationships, and events that match. In this way you are having more enriched and connected experiences that meet your deeper needs.
The physical realm is rich in sensuality and experience. It is what we are here to explore in creation. My prayer ceremony for the holidays really brought that division through to be healed. We have many old foundations of belief that demonized the physical and portrayed it at odds with the spiritual. In truth, matter is the manifestation of the spiritual… There is no separation. If you want a different circumstance or result, shift the creative energy underlying it and act in accordance with the energy you seek.
We are being reminded of our origin in spirit now. We are being asked to take the mantle in a more conscious and conscientious way. We are seeing the longstanding results and abuses that occur in ignorance and lack. Trust what is on the other side of this expansion. Love is unlimited in scope and abundance. We are moving internal barriers and parameters to encompass more of who we are in creative possibility.
In prayer I saw a vast cracking open of the heart area. In those that are not willfully open, it is often through loss that this occurs for the soul light to enter. My altar preparation channeled surrender through physical loss next to surrender through love, in the form of a feminine softening to life’s sweetness. There is so much joy and life in the simplest things around us. We often miss it until we are brought to a new awareness. Loss or Love, what will you choose?.
There are galactic energies and beings supporting the Earth at this time. I was delighted to see them as part of mainstream conversations in consideration of the mysteries adorning the skies this holiday season. Open to the possibilities in love instead of fear. We are tasked with overcoming these barriers of fear to create foundations with better guiding principles. We can acknowledge fear and hurt and still be love. We can find affinity with all life forms, despite surface or dimensional differences. We accelerate our growth as we support each other. Fear constricts and contracts, further isolating or discouraging those we may think need to shift the most. Compassion, freedom, space, love, and patience work wonders when applied with a light touch and a sincere heartfelt prayer. I keep hearing “STAY IN YOUR LANE” when I start worrying or wanting to know things not relevant to my purpose. Energy consciousness and management is the currency for this transition.
Stay open in loving surrender to life’s sweetness! Ask to experience more love in the world and look for it in every encounter. A grand reset and rewiring are here. I wish you and your family the happiest and holiest of the holiday season! We are bridging the magic into the mundane. Every moment is a spiritual experience and gift!
Happy Everything 2025🌹🌞
A September of Spiritual Integrity
As political divisiveness heats up in the collective, it becomes imperative to maintain integrity in all new earth foundations and creations. All that remains to be seen and revealed is relatively unfolding in perfect timing and understanding to each. These times require faith, but the only way to truly know we are effectively anchoring the higher frequencies here on earth, is to tap into our own divine connection inside.
Everyone has a story. Everyone has a purpose. Everyone has an intrinsic value and connection to the source of life.
Everyone has a unique perspective and experience of the events they witness and participate in collectively. Diversity serves creation in this way. This can be seen in nature, with every species and life form contributing to the balancing and harmonization of life.
We serve life’s design best when we adhere to our own. Our instructions and drive come from our higher guidance inside, which can be muddled and thwarted if we are only looking outward for direction and protection.
The Age of Aquarius, is the age of ascension, is the age of transmutation, which consequently is the age of gaslighting and delusion in the lower limited dimensional realms of perception. Humanity will continue to see the futility and deceit in many of its foundational structures of belief and governance. A story is only ever a part of a truth; the moment we begin to describe and define an experience, we lose its scope in perspective and possibility.
As we rise in consciousness, we transcend duality; not because it’s wrong or bad, in fact we lose the restrictive stronghold of these descriptions altogether, but because we have a deeper understanding of the purpose comparison and contrast serves in the depth of experience and expression. We come to appreciate the contemplation of opposites as a necessary balancing component in determining what is best for the whole.
While we are obsessed with winning and losing and see success as a demonstration of dominance and superiority, we are fractured inside and out. Where we lay blame and responsibility, we remain impotent. Where we attempt to control or fix others, we avoid the unexpressed and unresolved parts of ourselves.
We stand on the precipice of real change. We can no longer be dazzled by ideologies that create harm and dehumanization in practical application. The world is purging the energy of all these thoughtforms, along with the weight of their consequences evidenced in historical catastrophe.
What is the human story?
Many have identified universal themes and strivings, existing across all ages, cultures, and doctrines. When we take the time to see past the surface differences and get to the heart of the matter, which at its core is shared by all, we discover an understanding and wisdom that comes from empathy, not pity. We are moved to do more than bear witness. We are compelled to initiate profound changes in ourselves and our lives, to embody the possibility of a world without hate, even in the face of it. It starts with a ripple of remembrance, and ripples lead to waves that crash ashore, changing even the hardest landscapes over time.
We are all ripples sharing the same ocean.
We are called at this time to assume our power and creatorship with integrity and practicality. We must answer to the call inside us, not to the pressures of external agendas. Energy doesn’t lie. Beware of those telling you what you want to hear. The actionable results are always clear.
What world would you like to live in? It will require you to build it inside yourself first, acting in accordance and integrity with it every step of the way. Things of quality are an investment of time and attention. I was imbued with the quality of devotion this month during one of my meditations. It was a beautiful transmission, and once received, I realized how much that aspect is absent in modern culture.
What are you devoted to? What do you love that surpasses your immediate ego gratifications and complaints? Where does your life have meaning? Where are you unwilling to compromise yourself? Devotion is a living essence and practice; it’s not just how we feel or think we love something or someone. Devotion is a living aspect of divine love.
We are divine love.
We are in a phase of undressing and discarding in limitation and illusion all that we perceived ourselves to be. We have had centuries of identification with the things required of us to survive in a fallen realm. We see our wounds as our nature, forgetting the light of our true origin.
As the earth shifts, where we place our attention and allegiance matters. We must come to terms with our own darkness to see its machinations in the world that we create. We can only free ourselves and shine our light to inspire home in others. Love does not force, censor, manipulate, or shame us into compliance. There is no faking connection for those that can feel what is real.
September brought me back to the place of my heart’s visions. There is an island I visit that feels like heaven to me. The night before I traveled there physically, I dreamt of visiting an island shaped like a heart. There I joined an older male shaman, and we were addressing a giant tree in a tall grassy plain. We each went about our business of setting up sacred space and prayer. I sat on the ground to connect and felt the place respond in a vibrancy. The ground began to hum and shake, and as it vibrated there were seed pods jumping that had fallen from the tree. I was guided to consume them and delighted in connecting to the tree and eating its seeds. I woke extremely activated and excited. When I later made it to the physical island, the transmission of devotion came through.
I am committed to anchoring heaven on earth. This is not some philosophical utopian dream; my body along with many all over the planet, are receiving and holding the higher frequencies and constructs to assist in earth integration. This requires a surrendering of all in its way. All on earth are undergoing a profound transformation. Knowing this helps us be patient with the messy process everyone is in.
We each carry our own version of the trials of the human experience. We are here to transmute our poisons. What we transform in ourselves, we do for the earth and our ancestry.
In previous years, I was focused on transmuting the venom of snake. It took some time to unravel the abuses of sexual power in my life. It is a complicated and multifaceted issue that crossed incarnations and generations. We are living some of its perversions collectively now. I feared deeply real intimacy and connection, not seeing for a long time how much I was in a default defense setting. It takes time to feel safe enough to go to these places inside to restore divine templates of operation. Walls are coming down for us all, and I can say now it is possible to face the unknown in anticipation instead of trepidation.
When dealing with venom, the poison is in the cure. It’s owning it in all its forms inside yourself and your story, and mastering yourself in consideration of it, that empowers and protects you in its external presence in the world.
This month I was brought to another poison in my lineage, this time in the form of spider. In dreamtime, I was laying down and aware of two tiny golden spiders that were crawling on me. I watched with curiosity and affection. I was not afraid initially, but when I looked up, I realized I was in my grandmother’s house. My father was there telling me they were poisonous, and I then felt fear for my grandma. I picked one up to put it outside, but it resisted being placed on the steps. As it leapt, I begrudgingly dropped a brick to kill it. I missed and it bit me on my left ring finger. My hand started swelling in lumps as I felt the poison and panic spread. My father said there was a doctor up the street and before I woke, he was telling me not to worry, the Dr. has the remedy and “it is done.”
I woke knowing it was something significant. The left side of my body was sore, especially from the hip down. I called to check on my grandmother, and her left leg was in pain. This is a chronic issue for her, and I realized there was an underlying energy at play. I began to work on myself energetically, and tapped into a feeling of powerlessness in life as a woman. There was a denigration of woman’s role as a creator handed down, not necessarily through familial relations, but more of religious doctrine. There was a pervasive belief in self deprecation and dependency on a male dominated ideology. It is not consciously expressed or recognized in religion negatively, because it is just accepted as the order of things. Feeling and questioning it is often sacrilege, along with communicating other unexpressed and suppressed needs and desires. This was a big issue for me. I still struggle to express personal needs without discomfort. There is guilt attached to receiving or asking for things. I observed this as a hardwired issue in this side of the family, and was grateful to acknowledge and address it.
The spider is a creator with power and credibility in the web of life. Spider venom can signify abusing our creative power, or as I experienced it, denying, suppressing, or fearing it. Many of us are afraid to assume the head position of our creations. We may have been taught it is blasphemous, but I’ve come to learn it is part of our divine responsibility. This is not an arrogant, “I rule the world,” position. It is living as an expression or facilitation of our higher nature, which is always in sync with the Creator of All, and in service of the highest good.
It is taking responsibility for the energies we assume, consume, relate, and create with here. We are not here to be weak followers of the loudest and mightiest of women/men; we are here to be a demonstration of divine love in unique form and action.
This may seem like a grandiose position, but in truth, true leaders and creators are humble in nature. It has been handed down that loving yourself is selfish, but one cannot truly love another from an empty well. This position has encouraged the system of scarcity and dependency that we see in large scale operation today. Love is unlimited and unconditional, and we are rewiring ourselves to accommodate and create from this truth.
We are one love. As we grow in understanding and awareness, we prioritize vibe over tribe.
Tribal separations, conflicts, grudges, and allegiances are surfacing to be addressed in all. The mind and body hold these ancestral constructs rooted in fear and survival experiences on an unconscious level. Some of what we perceive as fact is a matter of choice. It doesn’t feel that way until we are brought to challenge or see our lives from a completely new vantage point. This is what is being introduced to humanity now; we are being shown what is behind the wizard’ s curtain. Nothing was or is as it seems from a limited perception point.
As we shift our energy, we align to new people or circumstances vibrating at our frequency in similarity. We can lovingly embrace these changes, without feeling guilt or obligation to what was. Love is freedom and knows that every person and situation is exactly where it needs to be in the grand scheme of things. This is an energetic truth; energy does not lie.
What we resist in ourselves, persists as a challenge or blind spot in our reality. As we process the energy we hold inside from traumas, abuses, or mistakes, we experience more peace and calm with outer circumstances that seemed to trigger us so much mentally and emotionally. Make peace with yourself and all elements of your story, and you will take the missteps and misunderstandings of others less personally. You will also see and circumvent them more effectively.
Love recognizes itself in all forms.
Love encourages forgiveness as a mechanism of freedom and emotional liberation.
Love asks us to go higher, to create new outcomes and options that transcend the loops and chains of past and present polarities.
Expansion requires us to let go. We fear losing circumstances or people in our changes, but it occurs most often as shifts in our perceptions of them. Old ideas, stories, identities, and beliefs give way to a greater understanding. They can be of others, of our world, or ourselves. We become more not less, ever aware of our connection to the source of all life.
When we allow things to be different and new, and are open to not knowing, we experience life differently. When we allow ourselves to be new, we enter spaces previously unexplored and get intimate with life in ways that bypass the mind’s tendency to judge and defend.
Heaven is a frequency more than a location. We don’t always perceive clearly what we are looking at with limited eyes and heavy hearts.
What part of heaven are you inspired to dream into being? What are you committed to offering the earth? Where can you invite the essence of devotion into your life, and love more for the sake of loving instead of the expectation of receiving?
The love of creation is not daunted by any misunderstanding or misuses of its intent. Love is where everything rises and falls ultimately, regardless of the ride. Love is all in and will see all things through. There is power where the focus meets the flow, uninhibited by doubts and distractions that seek to disrupt its evolutionary impulses.
Humanity is restoring its proper relationship and use of power. This is a restructuring occurring inside us as we increasingly embody our light, that disrupts the external systems reflectively and collectively. The best position in these changes, is to find our flow inside, allowing it to love, guide, and uplift us in sync with the higher will in operation.
From this place, there is no misinformation or manipulation. Truth is something deeply held and known; it may first be perceived in the heart, but it is radiant throughout our entire being. We must go beyond the fearful confines of the lower mind and its limitations, to allow the technology of our vessel to fully come online. We are the technology and instruments of divine grace, and deepening into this knowing as a living embodiment of our light is our best evolutionary path forward during a planetary ascension cycle.
Know and own yourself in your true worth, and the universe will respond with circumstances in kind.
Happy Autumn! May you be blessed with new opportunities and insights for your Fall journey!
I felt beautiful waves of peace and bliss flowing through on the autumnal equinox. These influxes of energy shift things in the physical realm in ways that may appear destructive at first, but are instruments of the earth’s changes and harmonization too.
Trust all is falling into place. 🍁🎃🙏
Marching Into Spring
Spring cleaning came early for me. As I continued with my daily prayer procession, I increasingly made space inside for more of my authentic self to return. This showed up in so many ways inside and out; divine flow expanding in me, resulting in ease and flow in external relations and situations that had experienced periods of slight stagnancy or confusion.
More are awakening to the external illusions underpinning the old earth reality. This is a natural process that coincides with the illusions being unmasked and processed inside the self.
As we return to a state of sacred remembrance and embodiment, we live from a place of wholeness and peace inside that directs and manifests our outer experiences. Our true state knows our inherent worth. Our true state knows and respects the sovereignty and soul assignments of others. Our true state knows love as the true reality and isn’t disturbed by the purging reactions or distortions in others. Our true state knows heaven is not a myth or a place separate from us.
As parts of our collective world adjust, we are increasingly pushed back to ourselves. We can no longer mistakenly identify and qualify ourselves through outer filters and formulas. We are not limited or determined by labels, qualifications, narratives, or opinions. We are awakening to our true nature as LOVE. Love at the highest frequency knows no boundaries or conditions where it does not exist. It is ALL.
Spring facilitates our rebirth. It is a celebration of our transcendence of death. What we have lost, or laid waste provides a fertile ground for a new aspect or level to arise. In truth it was surrendered into the greater field of potential; it lives on as a hardwired wisdom etched in our bones. We realize we are more, not less in its resignation and assimilation. We understand sacrifices can be labors of love, and sadness fuel for an abiding joy. Once we know what we know we can never turn back, but we can perceive it differently over time.
In my experience, rebirth comes in tandem with refinement. I am consistently reminded that I have a responsibility for my overall space. As I am relieved of any outlived or undigested weight I’ve carried in thought and emotion, I am still called to be vigilant in maintaining a new focus and feed. Shifting energy changes things on a fundamental level, but we can be creatures of habit. If I continue to entertain draining and conflicting concepts, stories, and relationships, I will be the one wasting energy and holding myself back.
Sometimes what is old is comfortable even when painful. Sometimes it is brought around to us again and again to address various layers of understanding in it. Sometimes it comes back as an opportunity to choose better. Sometimes it stirs up subconscious links we were not even aware are there. Whatever surfaces, it is always an opportunity to take ownership and agency in what we can offer ourselves. No matter how painful the event, we have the ability to wield our power toward a higher outcome for ourselves. Freedom is an inside job first and foremost; we must work on the etheric planes of creation in ourselves before we effectively shift the outer manifestation.
Prayers bring us to that plane, and regular practice builds a momentum over time that becomes a second skin. Our thoughts are powerful, but they are also habitual and conditional. We are influenced in many dimensions of belief and experience. To break free, it takes consistent effort and commitment to reshape some of our formative tenets of reality. It all starts will our will.
Many are too busy taking in data and stimulation to observe what is really running in their system that is fueling their creations and experiences. Most believe themselves to be a victim of their realities, assigning their life’s events to a higher deity or evil counterforce. This fractures potency and defers responsibility. This allows some to manipulate and capitalize off of the ignorant and martyrized mindsets of others. It has encouraged us to think less of ourselves and accept deplorable treatment as a consequence of humanity’s “real” nature. This then becomes evidence of life’s cruelty.
What of our higher nature? What of the beauty in a flower, the generosity of an ocean, or the fertility of a forest?
Are we not all of it? If we keep reinforcing that virtuous qualities are only for the gods, won’t we only perpetuate a world at war and suffering? Will waiting for a super savior truly offer us the best chances we have for humanity to take its leap in evolution and grace?
Forgiveness is a virtue, an act, a discipline, a frequency, a concept, and a road. The same goes for kindness, for generosity, compassion, peace, and love…. All facets of love are part of our nature, but when we’ve forgotten and been misled to believe otherwise, they must be invited, reimagined, welcomed, and attempted again and again until they are the driving force and foundation of our experiences and creations. We must dedicate ourselves as we do to other subjects of learning, career, or lifestyle commitments. I have often heard people say, “I know I should forgive but I just can’t.” This is then followed by complaining about hating their job and its requirements but having to do it anyway—knowing they shouldn’t drink but doing it anyway—knowing they are in a bad relationship but staying anyway…. The will is always there to remain the same, despite any resulting pain or shame.
As we rebirth ourselves in new potential and awareness, we must be diligent in our responsibilities to uphold a higher field of creation. We must approach ourselves as our purpose, and our mastery as our highest job and service. As we embody more of our light, we hold a higher sense of responsibility. As we perceive the effects of negative projections and reactions, we know they are not something we wish to engage in ourselves. We understand the weight of our contributions and must let go of things that disrupt the foundation we have worked hard to build. We can discern distractions without emotional charge, and simply leave them starved and unactive in our lives.
Love does not communicate in judgment. Love is unconditional. Love utilizes patterns and boundaries to create form, and changes expressions ongoing to enhance experience and perception. Any doctrine shaming, manipulating, censoring, or enforcing its will on another is not communicating love. Love underlies all form, regardless of where it lies on the spectrum of duality. The pendulum can swing in complexity away from its center, but it is still existing in the same field. Extremes on either side eventually meet in likeness. We can perceive this easier from the center, than being caught in the entanglement of a more polarized edge.
As we grow in our mastery, it is wise to remain humble in our estimation of things. A planet in an evolutionary ascension cycle, is processing the energy of many lifetimes of karmic experience and interference. As we attempt to make sense of things outside of us, the energy, and its relevance to the collective changes. With so much shifting, our best path forward is grounding our higher self in every aspect of our lives. That takes ongoing honesty, scrutiny, devotion, and ownership of our energy, no matter what outside stimulus seems to trigger us. We are reinstating our creative ability consciously, and that comes with accountability and awareness of our activity in many dimensions of existence.
Dreamers of a new world are present with what is playing out in many realities but are exclusively interested and focused on one. Our greatest contribution comes from our own divine empowerment and embodiment. From this place we are uplifting and birthing what’s possible not plausible. We are not giving our power away to a super villain, a political party, or a prophecy. World shifts are facilitated by many, but the many reflect the one. Many can deny, abuse, misuse, and refuse to accept the ONE, but that only reinforces the illusions and effects of their position in them. It does not negate the underlying truth of reality. All come home to oneness eventually, and there are many roads. We are here to master and restore our own.
As old energy moves through us, it can encourage us to be reactive and emotional. We can perceive situations through mistrusting eyes and exaggerated perceptions, triggering defensive posturing that is at first unconscious to us. As we become aware of our patterns, we learn that they simply require space and acceptance. Our loving attention does a lot to help us process things from a higher and safer vantage point. If we can understand that everyone is in their own version of reality and take it less personally, we stop waging war with any opposition and lean more into what we are trying to achieve in ourselves in the face of it. Anything disrupting our personal peace, has an opening or unrecognized culprit inside. As we deal with these aspects inside us, we align with more opportunities and choices to create peace externally.
March is bringing us into an eclipse window that is highlighting and settling some imbalances. They won’t necessarily be new to our awareness, but they are an opportunity to double down on ourselves. Can we be honest with ourselves in where we place blame, or allow ourselves to be sold short? Can we free ourselves of old obligations and power struggles that no longer serve us? Can we balance the duality inside ourselves, and upgrade any outworn toxic patterns or expressions in ourselves? Toxic relationship expressions and patterns have been surfacing for some time on earth, allowing a new connection and union to be anchored within and without. If we are only focused on battling the outer distortions of polarity in society, we are missing the opportunity to address what is trying to harmonize and heal inside.
We are most effective in contributing to the greater good from a position of wellness. From this place we cannot be bought or sold. We are not willing to compromise or villainize another for personal gain. We are not compelled to take sides and disregard the value of others because of difference in belief. We recognize the bias and limitations that come with the parameters of conditioning and sensory restriction of a physical body. We also know we can go beyond theses confines, and remain open to our role in the changing tides.
Fear is being processed out of the human experience via an ongoing surge cycle of universal love. This is highlighting its signature in all of our beliefs, narratives, systems, and creations. We are purging and rewiring our systems to create from higher octaves of love. We will face and transcend our darkness and unconscious to know our light. It is in accepting not rejecting, that we come to our truth and our ability to then choose a new response. We can no longer deny our relationship to the troubles plaguing our world. We can no longer defer the blame or responsibility to another. We have an opportunity now, to create and relate out of unity. We can be peace in the face of chaos and conflict, not by shaming or “righting” a side, but by birthing and offering something beyond it.
There is a dimension and frequency where this all comes together. As more parts connect to that possibility, the availability and pull becomes stronger for others to join. Love is the universal force of creation, but it doesn’t force compliance or recognition. Love abides and provides freedom of expression and exploration. Distortions exhaust themselves from lack of alignment and authenticity in source connection eventually. They only exist because of our ongoing attention and energetic support. As we withdraw our connection, they lose power. Everyone is waking up to their part in this, and everyone is addressing their own karmic history in relation to creation here. There is a unique timing and position unfolding for each that is best served by each focusing on their own part.
This spring ask yourself, “What world would I like to live in?” “What world would I want to leave my children?” “What can I do to contribute to that vision?”
New creations and experiences require new expressions, actions, and contributions. We are not here to fix the old or the collective; we are here to live our part authentically. All that arises from that alignment fulfills its purpose naturally. Our hearts remember our purpose, and our hearts are connected to the unified field. Through them we bridge the opportunity to build back better. We know where we’ve been, but it’s time to demonstrate what is possible now.
I hope your Easter and equinox season offer you grand opportunities and openings for rebirth and refinement! Happy rising! 💜🐣💐