Tag: #ageofaquarius

Discerning Duality

January proceeded with episodes of destruction and celebration. A terrorist attack ravaged New Orleans at its start, but then the city saw record snowfall and super bowl festivity that brought out a childlike joy and revelry for many. One side of the country was affected by a major water event, while the other was decimated …

Intentional Living

November was a month that expanded my foundation of faith into a fortress of fortitude. So many epiphanies and perspectives of what I had been building for a long time, lifetimes even. We get these glimpses after we process a lot of stored and suppressed energy held in our bodies. Things that historically caused reaction …

Disclosures of October

October started off with a solar eclipse in Libra. For me, this heralded a month of relationship consummation and mastery. It also helped me address energies I was still holding that muddled or tainted my authentic self-expression. Some of these were subconscious experiences and beliefs handed down from my ancestry, my childhood, and my other …

The Dawning of Aquarius

A flow state of creation and being is more accessible now on earth. Physical upgrades force many to slow down, disrupting reliance on former schedules, activities, and old ways of attempting to seek security inside via controlling outer circumstances. We are continuously being brought back to ourselves; where selfcare is not a prioritized practice, it …

Innovating Your Myth

January is almost gone, but in many ways it feels as if it started after the new moon on the 21st. We have been experiencing intense episodes of light anchoring on the planet, that create surges of lower frequency energy to be integrated. As the past rises to be processed, it often distorts the way …