Discerning Duality
January proceeded with episodes of destruction and celebration. A terrorist attack ravaged New Orleans at its start, but then the city saw record snowfall and super bowl festivity that brought out a childlike joy and revelry for many. One side of the country was affected by a major water event, while the other was decimated …
Intentional Living
November was a month that expanded my foundation of faith into a fortress of fortitude. So many epiphanies and perspectives of what I had been building for a long time, lifetimes even. We get these glimpses after we process a lot of stored and suppressed energy held in our bodies. Things that historically caused reaction …
A New Year, A New You in Divine Assurance
Whether our external circumstances reflect it right now or not, we have come a long way. We have all been in a karmic rendering and balancing. This is a necessary process in creation, one of a transmutation of energy that allows us to shift into and embody a higher frequency potential. There are …
Managing Multidimensionality
October has been a wild ride! 👻 As we continue to be entrained into the higher frequency rhythms of the earth, we are integrating mental and emotional constructs faster than we are often consciously aware. Our minds can actually get in the way of the process if we try to figure everything out. Our bodies …
Living From the Heart
August has been an intense month, ushering in many high frequency influxes of energy that require periods of rest and calm to ground in the body. For me, it has been my connection to nature that has been most helpful. I am always able to feel supported and expansive when I am outside, bare feet …