Tag: #blogger

September’s Surrender

The fall equinox brought me back to my favorite local park to plant blessings in the earth’s womb. After processing many layers of ancestral and karmic residue, tender connections and simple moments allowed me to see what was real and solid for me as the dust settled. I knew it was so prior, but the …

From Purgatory to Peace

August has brought a fierce heat and required us to surrender to the fires of transmutation on multiple levels. We fear fire and often mourn what it reclaims, but we forget fire is an alchemical agent. What survives it is transformed, refined, and stronger; what succumbs to it makes space for something new to blossom. …

Employing the Freedom to Dream

July came in with a heat and intensity that is lighting new fires of possibility, and burning out reservoirs of unconscious and unnecessary excess. Fire molds and shapes as it decimates and destroys. New identities and realizations are emerging, allowing new life to unfold from any surmounting ashes.   As we contemplated and celebrated freedom …

Tigress of Integrity

June started with an amazing dream encounter. I was visited by a parade of tigers. All were multi-colored and sparkling with various jewels and fancy adornments. I locked eyes with one for a long time and connected to a goddess energy. She was fierce in her love, secure in herself, and in service to a …

Marching Forward in Abundance

  Spring is soliciting new choices, attitudes, behaviors, and beginnings. Being relieved of many ancestral karmic debts and stories, I am learning what it is to live without a story at all. It takes a little practice getting comfortable with surrendering to whatever the moment brings, in full trust in my ability to handle it. …